The Emperor Has Fallen from His Throne

4 Emperor_Reversed

Have you ever had one of those days where you perhaps didn’t get enough sleep and reality isn’t quite as stable as it normally is. You may go to sit down and suddenly the chair is just not behind you. You may end up on the floor. Of course, modern science would say that you probably weren’t really paying attention to where the chair was, or you moved it and forgot. Metaphysics might explain it as some spirit-being came and moved the chair. In quantum physics, one might say that the chair hyper-jumped. However, you explain it, reality is just not behaving according to expectations. And this is the world in which the Emperor in reverse has to live. If you are of the mind, in which you are a ruler, as you in essence are in the world in which you live, it can be quite unsettling for your throne to move of its own accord. It can be equally bothersome if some of your servants came along and moved it while you were standing and addressing your knights, your kids, spouse, roommates, coworkers. Just imagine how you would get your bum hurt when you went to sit back down! You might be a little embarrassed too. If you are an emperor and someone has moved your throne while you were not looking, you are no longer the person in charge. It is time to over compensate with showing a little extra control. Now new rules have to come into place to prevent this from ever happening again. People must have been given too much freedom in the past or this kind of thing would never happen. An emperor cannot just fall off their thrown. That is unacceptable. Well, even if this wasn’t really people causing the throne move, the upside-down Emperor feels stricter standards need to come to play to make reality behave according to expectations.

I have to say I feel sorry for the Emperor in reverse. This is a person who needs empathy. He or she has had something unexpectedly difficult happen in their world on more than one occasion. This person has been accustomed to a world in which he or she has control and has been quite good at navigating the terrain of life. However, now something has changed to shake the foundation of reality. Perhaps the person was unexpectedly laid off from work. Maybe he or she was just about to get married when the bride or groom did not show up at the altar. He or she may have planned pretty hard for the wedding. Perhaps a business partner left the person hanging with all of the responsibility. Whatever it was, this person was managing very well before hand and now everything needs to be put back the way it was and held firmly in place so that it never falls apart again. That’s the mentality this person feel he or she must maintain. If the person experienced heartbreak, then perhaps he or she very firmly fix life so that this experience never recurs. If he or she lost a job unexpectedly, this person could become very tight with money and refuse to let him or her self experience any joy in spending it. The upside-down Emperor may come across as excessively domineering. He or she wishes desperately for others to obey as no one or thing in life has done before. If you feel powerless around the Emperor reversed, just know that the Emperor feel pretty powerless, too.

Persons in the position of the upside-down Emperor need to be guided back to a place of trusting in the natural laws of balance. Think of this as a form of post-traumatic stress from loss and failure. This person needs to be able to re-experience the loss and failure again and understand that it doesn’t lead to ultimate demise. He or she may also need to relive successes and re-experience how a combination of successes and failures has led to the current situation.

3 thoughts on “The Emperor Has Fallen from His Throne

    • Thank you Vivian! This is actually the only one I have done on a specific card. I’m experimenting with what I want to post about and am feeling my way through what I become motivated to write about. I sort of like doing it that way rather than forcing myself to pick a style.


      • Yes, the moment writing becomes forced for me, all creative flow dries up and I feel it all a chore. That is why I found the written business assignments in college such drudgery. Never again!


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