The Emperor Has Fallen from His Throne

4 Emperor_Reversed

Have you ever had one of those days where you perhaps didn’t get enough sleep and reality isn’t quite as stable as it normally is. You may go to sit down and suddenly the chair is just not behind you. You may end up on the floor. Of course, modern science would say that you probably weren’t really paying attention to where the chair was, or you moved it and forgot. Metaphysics might explain it as some spirit-being came and moved the chair. In quantum physics, one might say that the chair hyper-jumped. However, you explain it, reality is just not behaving according to expectations. And this is the world in which the Emperor in reverse has to live. If you are of the mind, in which you are a ruler, as you in essence are in the world in which you live, it can be quite unsettling for your throne to move of its own accord. It can be equally bothersome if some of your servants came along and moved it while you were standing and addressing your knights, your kids, spouse, roommates, coworkers. Just imagine how you would get your bum hurt when you went to sit back down! You might be a little embarrassed too. If you are an emperor and someone has moved your throne while you were not looking, you are no longer the person in charge. It is time to over compensate with showing a little extra control. Now new rules have to come into place to prevent this from ever happening again. People must have been given too much freedom in the past or this kind of thing would never happen. An emperor cannot just fall off their thrown. That is unacceptable. Well, even if this wasn’t really people causing the throne move, the upside-down Emperor feels stricter standards need to come to play to make reality behave according to expectations.

I have to say I feel sorry for the Emperor in reverse. This is a person who needs empathy. He or she has had something unexpectedly difficult happen in their world on more than one occasion. This person has been accustomed to a world in which he or she has control and has been quite good at navigating the terrain of life. However, now something has changed to shake the foundation of reality. Perhaps the person was unexpectedly laid off from work. Maybe he or she was just about to get married when the bride or groom did not show up at the altar. He or she may have planned pretty hard for the wedding. Perhaps a business partner left the person hanging with all of the responsibility. Whatever it was, this person was managing very well before hand and now everything needs to be put back the way it was and held firmly in place so that it never falls apart again. That’s the mentality this person feel he or she must maintain. If the person experienced heartbreak, then perhaps he or she very firmly fix life so that this experience never recurs. If he or she lost a job unexpectedly, this person could become very tight with money and refuse to let him or her self experience any joy in spending it. The upside-down Emperor may come across as excessively domineering. He or she wishes desperately for others to obey as no one or thing in life has done before. If you feel powerless around the Emperor reversed, just know that the Emperor feel pretty powerless, too.

Persons in the position of the upside-down Emperor need to be guided back to a place of trusting in the natural laws of balance. Think of this as a form of post-traumatic stress from loss and failure. This person needs to be able to re-experience the loss and failure again and understand that it doesn’t lead to ultimate demise. He or she may also need to relive successes and re-experience how a combination of successes and failures has led to the current situation.

Practical Elemental Dignities

I would like to talk a little bit about elemental combinations, or dignities as they are called, from a practical perspective, rather than a purely esoteric one. I have seen standard configurations regarding how elements combine and the effects they have. In some cases, certain combinations are considered neutral. People say to forget about it because it doesn’t mean anything. If you are reading cards, the last thing you want to do is tell a querent is that they have neutral going on, so just pay up and go home.

The reason that these combinations are assigned neutral value is because people using this method are assuming a dualistic metaphysical perspective, where you have an esoteric and an exoteric model of the elements. I have had it explained to me that the exoteric elements are less pure than the esoteric ones and therefore these have greater or different strength than elements of the exoteric nature. This is further hierarchical thinking. Perhaps when we think of esoteric elements as pure, we can consider them as simpler, whereas, the exoteric elements are complex. And when we read them in the Tarot in combination, we must consider both. If we don’t consider both, we have to hope that our intuition will do so for us.

I think if we look at the Tarot we can see that the cards do not explain things in terms of esoteric or exoteric, rather both at the same time. They assume a middle ground. So we don’t really have to think one way or the other. Below are some examples of thoughts regarding combinations of elements that can give you an idea on how to meditate on them in your own way. By no means should this be read as a proclamation of an ultimate truth. Feel free to leave me any thoughts or comments that come up from reading this post, I would love to hear others free association on the subject.

The Elements



Ace Wands




Ace of Swords




Ace of Pentacles




Ace of Cups


According to magical systems Fire and Air are Active. Well, even without a magical system, we can still consider fire and air quite active at the mundane level, when we think of them in terms of doing and thinking respectively. But the question is, are they always buddies as many people say they are. I think it isn’t always the case. Nor do I think it helps a querent if they are told that there are two most excellent situations going on, especially if they are not that great.

Fire and Air



Ace of Wands

Ace of Swords



Here, reading the cards from left to right, it might be said that you have a little fire started and then came a little air to feed the fire. If you read it from right to left, might we equally say that it is easy to start a fire in the mists of wind? It is better to start a fire in stillness, and then have a wind come along. Sure it is possible to start a fire with wind, but it isn’t as easy. So here it is reading the cards from left to right we can see that a fire was started and wind came along to strengthen it.



Ace of Wands

10 Swords



In this scenario, if you just get started on a project and you have a lot of air coming into the scene next, it will wipe the fire out. This is an extreme example but you can see that the greater the amount of air the harder it will be for a new flame to build into a bigger one. This would be the same if the cards were in opposite order as well as if they were reversed.



4 Swords

2 Wands



In this case the air and fire are close in intensity, so the oncoming fire may have had some difficulty in starting and won’t be as intense as it would have next to an Earth card.



4 Swords

2 Wands_Reversed



But if we reverse the fire card, it looses even more intensity, and it may not grow into as much because it is a smaller flame.



4 Swords_Reversed

2 Wands



Reversing the air card may do well for the fire card because it brings their intensities closer in alignment. So you can see that the elements do not automatically support each other in some instances with air and fire. But in all of these scenarios we can agree that the situation is active, for better or worse, more difficult or easier, activity is responsible.



Ace of Swords

10 Wands



If you have an Ace of Wands, you may have a situation where you have just had a fabulous idea. But what happens if you suddenly become so overburdened by activities that you end up forgetting about it and it goes nowhere? It could have been a bad new idea, but do we really assume it? Perhaps it becomes postponed or just forgotten.

Fire and Water



Ace Wands

Ace of Cups



In the case of fire and water, magical systems state that water and fire do not get along and water will put the fire out. Even at the mundane level we typically think of water as a way of putting out fire. What really happens is that we are applying a passive element to an active one and making the passive element function in an active capacity. In this situation it is stifling the fire. With fire and water what we have at the mundane level consists of doing and feeling. Feelings can get in the way of our activities. In this situation, if we consider the Ace of Wands as the beginning of a project, and the Ace of Cups as the start of new emotions, we might think that the water would slow the activity of the project with a cooling effect. The more emotions we have the more it will slow the activity produced by the fire of the wands.



4 Cups

Ace Wands



But what happens when we have a good amount of emotions manifested and we add a little activity to that? This may warm the emotions, reduce them a little, and utilize them as part of the new activity.



2 Cups

9 Wands



If we just came into a sweet relationship and there is a lot of love going on, like in the Two of Cups and suddenly one of the couple gets a job that is demanding and has to focus all of their time on the activity, then it could hurt the relationship, or make you both sad. But likely the feelings related to the relationship will also put a damper on the quality of work the person does in their demanding job. The thing to think about when looking at fire and wands together is that they draw on each other and minimize each other. They are not exactly compatible. In equal proportions they may cancel one another out, but with more of one and less of the other, they can reduce the energy of the other depending upon the direction of the interaction. Consider the phrases, “all work and no play, makes one dull” and “idle hands are the devil’s work”

Fire and Earth



Ace Wands

Ace of Pentacles



Oftentimes pentacles are represented as money, or finances, or job, but they can also represent values or a material presence. When the wands are followed by a pentacle, I typically see this as input followed by output, actions, and results. People say that these cards are neutral together. In a way this is true. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t say anything about each other.



Ace of Wands

10 Pentacles



In this situation, it could mean that you did very little and produced quite a lot. In that case, the Ten of Pentacles is saying about the Ace of Wands that it was productive and efficient activity. So the energy of the Ten of Pentacles contributes to the energy of the Ace of Wands, and vice versa. If you think about it, not only can water be used in putting out fire, earth also extinguishes it. This isn’t an active property of earth, like fire’s active nature is to burn. That it can extinguish fire is inherent in its relationship to fire, because earth doesn’t actively extinguish.



10 Wands

Ace of Pentacles



Here, you might have worked your butt off and the outcome produced but very little. You could have ended up taking a new job. Or changing your way of thinking after a long moral battle. Consider someone who went to law school for many years, passed the bar, and then discovered they didn’t want to be a lawyer. The person thought they valued the profession and they worked really hard for it, but ended up with getting little value out of it, and maybe found something new they valued instead. So in this situation the Ten of Wands influenced the energy of the Ace of Pentacles. Really, together they forge a whole new path. What’s worth remembering for these two elements is that you have an active force working on a passive one. However, there are times when the passive force causes action.



Ace of Pentacles

10 Wands



If you just bought a new house and find out that it needs many repairs, if it isn’t you making all the repairs, then you work extra hours on the job to pay for them, or take a second job. If you bought a restaurant or started a business, that could also lead to a lot of start up activity. Even if the Ace of Pentacles were reversed, you may find that the Ten of Pentacles has extra emphasis as a burden, because something went wrong or was unexpected, maybe even delayed, and thus the extra activity around it, may not have been planned.



8 Pentacles

3 Wands_Reversed



In this scenario you have an Eight of Pentacles, which looks like activity, because the person in the picture appears engaged in working on something. This is a passive card. Really it is just a position in which to build stability. However, the quality of the stability depends pending the support of neighboring cards. If a Four of Wands, reversed, follows it, then you have action that is unequal in intensity to that of the Eight. It is an even number, which makes it more stable than the Three of Wands, but it is in reverse. Because the Four of Wands is in reverse, it very nearly points back to the Three of Wands. You can maybe call it the 3.5 of Wands. So what you have is the Four of Wands, reversed, eating away at the energy of the Eight of Pentacles. I would not call this a passive or neutral situation.




Ace of Swords

Ace of Pentacles



What is earth’s relationship to air? If we think of mountains or tall buildings, earth forms structures around which air can flow. So earth forms an obstruction to air but it also guides its direction. On the other hand, the active force of air, wears down the integrity of structures, depending on the force and the length of time it works away on a structure. Air can also push smaller structures around to form new ones. This is the force and the relationship between ideas, worries, fears, values, morals, possessions, jobs, and social structures.



3 Swords

8 Pentacles



Here we have the Three of Swords, or three winds moving along and they come upon the Eight of Pentacles, or eight structures. You will be forgetting your problems in no time with many structures ahead to conquer. Just these two cards can’t tell you how permanent that is but you can see that the Eight Pentacles will trivialize the Three Swords. You could also become so focused on your work that what ever was worrying you won’t be a thought.



3 Pentacles_Reversed

8 Swords



If you have only three structures established, as represented by the Three of Pentacles, in this case you could have maybe a positive sign of something, yet it is diminished because it is reversed, and along come Eight Swords, or eight winds, the structures will be totally blown away. For example, you had a club you just formed and you had three members. And with those three members they brought in an overabundance of ideas, worries, and concerns, then the structure of the club will become quite weak.




Ace of Swords

Ace of Cups



Swords and Cups: Thoughts and emotions. Some people reading this might think, “when do we not have thoughts.” Good question! Unless you are highly experienced in yogic meditation of thought transcendence, you might never be without thoughts. The entire deck of Tarot might just as well be Sword cards. Except there is the concept that thoughts, in their action, move life experience to action, emotion, and manifestation. And each of these in turn also give birth to new thought. Thoughts can overpower these elements. Equally, these elements have the capacity to overpower thoughts.



4 Swords

5 Cups



Here on the left we have someone resting with their thoughts and on the right, another person has had some emotional upset. There is not much that emotions can do to thoughts, but thoughts will disrupt emotions quite easily. In the Five of Cups card, we see some of the cups have been knocked over. If the Four of Swords card represents a person who was at peace with their thoughts and easily contemplated which ones to keep and which ones to put to pasture, then the Five of Cups comes along with one more level of intensity, an extra emotion, not quite in balance with the Four of Swords. Perhaps the double edge nature of the Swords, as of thoughts, lead to emotional asymmetry. One of the thoughts or ideas may have led to an emotional struggle.



2 Cups

8 Swords



Here we have one card, the Two of Cups, where people are brought together in their emotions. And then comes Eight Swords. The person in that card is alone, tied up, blindfolded, and captured in a net that is bound to one of the swords. When too many different ideas appear, it can be confusing and we might needed to hang on to one of them, for security. However, that action can result in isolation. This is similar in nature when there is too great a wind over the water, and it leads to turbulence.




Ace of Cups

Ace of Pentacles



What happens if you add earth to water? Your water will rise. It will not become more, but it may seem like more. It simply displaces it spatially. This is why people frequently distract themselves from their emotions with material endeavors.



4 Cups

6 Pentacles



If we have more material substance in our lives we may have little room for our emotions. In this situation, we may be sitting with our emotions and reflecting on the experiences to which they gave rise. Our emotions are not many but also not too few. Then when something occurs in our lives that brings about the Six of Pentacles, where sharing is involved, it will easily balance our emotions out and not overwhelm them.



5 Pentacles

7 Cups



In the previous situation we had a Six of Pentacles and here we start with a Five of Pentacles. Take one of the Pentacles away and the environment becomes much more unbalanced. It looks like two individuals are out in the cold walking away from a church or their community. They may have lost support but at least they have each other. If you can image the situation as an unstable sand castle, when the Seven of Cups comes along, much of that will wash away. The Seven of Cups is not a lot more than the Five of Pentacles. The oncoming Seven Cups could overwhelm the average person. However, the Five of Pentacles can handle it and might welcome an abundance of opportunity.

Love and the Five of Cups

“Where you stumble there your treasure lies” ~ Joseph Campbell

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups in a love reading can look like you have been unlucky in your relationships. But looking deeper, the essence of the message is that you are being given an opportunity to learn. The opportunity may be a painful one; however, this card indicates that you need to reflect on what you have learned rather than focus your losses. The goal is not to place blame but look for the root cause behind why it didn’t work. When you are able to see the incompatibilities, they become the markers for compatibilities in your future relationships. Another element to the Five of Cups is that it is also and indicator for you to see the broader perspective of love and evaluate what you currently have.

Love is all about connection and relationship to others. And this is something the Five of Cups teaches to be very clear about in learning about relationships as you move forward in them. There are three broad categories that Plato defined for love: Agape, Philia, and Eros.

Agape is the general love you have for your fellow human beings. It is the kind of love that you have for yourself and for which you have for others. This love is present in all relationships. If you or another person has experienced pain, and self-love is diminished, then your global sense of love for others will be diminished. When this love is less than optimal, activities involving charity or random acts of kindness can help fluff it back up.


Philia is a reciprocal friendship love. With this love, exchange is involved. “So long as you like me, I like you. As long as you are nice to me, I will be nice to you.” With this kind of love, you may also share a common interest. If the other person no longer shares the same interest, your relationship may become more of an Agape type of love. When couples have children together, it develops Philia between them, if they didn’t have it before.


Eros represents the desire to be as physically connected to a person as you possibly can. This is romantic love. And it is what most people refer to when they even think of the word love. The most ideal and balanced “romantic” relationship would encompass all three of these kinds of love rather than focus merely on the Eros dimension. Eros alone could really be nothing more than a one-night stand.


“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes for unhappy marriages” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Health and the Minor Arcana

During the fifth and sixth centuries BC, a variety of men in Greece concerned themselves mainly with the development of philosophy and science. Aristotle referred to these men as phusikoi or students of nature. Their quest was to discover the origins of nature and they believed they found it in the elements: earth, air, water, and fire. To the phusikoi, all matter on Earth was made up of these four elements. Although we have a more sophisticated understanding of the material world today, many of the same principles apply. Back when the phusikoi studied nature, some of them thought that all things in the material world were made up of one of the elements. Others believed it was a combination of them. Today’s students of nature, or scientists, either believe that all things are make up of a combination of elements or one primary element that has yet to be discovered.

During the fourth century, Aristotle also studied nature. He believed that there were two components to life: essence and matter. According to Aristotle, matter itself was devoid of characteristics. It was merely a possibility of being something. Essence was what gave matter the qualities by which we come to know it. Entelechy, which means coming to fruition, is the process by which essence provides matter with substance. (1)

The reason for briefly discussing the ancient Greeks and their quest(ions) to understand the natural world is that their learnings have been handed down to us. During the Renaissance period of the West, individuals who were part of the earliest development of the Tarot, built their understanding of these Greek teachings into the deck. The four elements may be considered as the essences of form or matter as we come to experience them in their physical condition. These elements are reflected in the cards as Pentacles (earth), Cups (water), Wands (fire), and Swords (air).

Ace of Pentacles

Pentacles commonly represent the material world. One of the first things that come to mind when hearing the word pentacle is the pentagram. They are both five-pointed stars, but the pentacle is a five-pointed star enclosed by a circle. In the Tarot, the pentacle represents the earth in mineral form. We often tend to think of the Pentacles as representing finances, property, or career, but they can also represent physical health, our bones, teeth, hair, organs, skin (also an organ), etc., which our physical structure is composed of. Pentacles are the crystals that are essential nutrients are bodies need to stay healthy. Think of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur, as examples of the earth represented in our health system.

Ace of Cups

Cups represent a receptive vessel. Since they hold liquid, their affiliation is with water. The ancient Greeks affiliated water with emotions. Too strong of emotions can affect our health. When many Cups cards appear in a reading, depending on their relationship to other cards, and whether the cards appear as reversed in a reading, they could point to physical or psychological health issues. The first idea we might think of when relating water to emotions is the tears we shed when we cry. However, tears are actually a Tarot compound of Cups (water), Pentacles (minerals), and Wands (amino acids) reversed.

Ace of Swords

The Swords are connected with air, which the ancient Greeks related to the mind and the soul. You might think that the Cups, representing emotions, correlate to the mind because excess sadness or depression, and mania, are considered a psychological issue. However, what is really happening is that the emotions and the mind are interactive. It is possible that the material properties of Pentacles could interact with our liquids, and lead to an experience of strong emotions, which in turn can affect our thought processes. The fluids coursing through our bodies are responsible for our emotions but are not our emotions. The liquids are the essence of the substance of emotions, following Aristotle’s logic on the elements. Both air and water are invisible and transparent. We cannot see them, but that doesn’t stop us from experiencing them. Our thoughts and emotions are very real, ghostly phenomena of human experience. In antiquity, air was associated with blood. It is pretty obvious how vital air is to our health. We wouldn’t survive too long if we didn’t breath. When we have too little oxygen in our blood, we get hypoxemia, and this damages our organs.

The reason that the mind links with the experience of emotions is because there is a relationship between the mind and the emotions. If you feel good, your thoughts will be positive, and if you have positive thoughts, you will have positive emotions. Mind and emotions both represent environments in which the other resides. They have a symbiotic relationship. Consider your emotions as the stream that runs through the meadow of your thoughts. Without the stream, the meadow would become dry. When we experience dehydration, our thoughts become delirious. Our mental apparatus begins to skew our perception of our reality. With over hydration, we experience intoxication and a sodium/blood (Pentacles/Swords) imbalance. If you have more liquids in your body than your kidneys can keep up with the body experiences a sodium deficiency (hyponatremia). Overhydration may be a sign of liver disease (cirrhosis), kidney problems, congestive heart failure, or syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH).

Neurochemicals are compounds that also affect our cognitive thought processes. What are they made up of? For our purposes, we would say Cups (liquids), Pentacles (minerals), and Wands (acids). Without Neurochemicals, we would not be aware of our existence or our experiences. So it is safe to say that these are decently important to the mind. What I find interesting is that there are so many contributing factors to the mind, and the notion of absence of mind without them. This isn’t to say that the mind is the fruit of matter as much as to say that for the mind to experience matter, certain material substances are necessary.

Ace of Wands

Wands relate to fire. They describe our energy, assertiveness, passion, and motivation. But for health purposes the ancients regarded the Wands in terms of heat. They believed fire to represent bile. Although bile consists of water, electrolytes, cholesterol, phospholipids and bilirubin, we most commonly think of it in term of its acids that are highly critical to digestion. When our emotions are intense, our thoughts negative, and the pressure is intense, cortisol facilitates the recycling of bile acids, and we end up with reflux, which can be quite hot. We may even experience the sensation of hunger because our digestive system is working extra hard. Heat is also important in terms of temperature range within the body. In the brain, the hypothalamus contains the temperature regulation mechanisms and sensors. If we get too hot, the body will begin to sweat to cool itself off, but the more we sweat, the more nutrients we lose in the liquids. This action would be akin to a Wand and a Cup reversed. Excess heat also taxes the heart. With not enough heat, the heart slows down, and blood flow speed also decreases. Essential nutrients won’t distribute to the external parts of the body. Blood vessels nearer to the outer part of the body close off to preserve heat at the core.

As we can see, there are some definite ways in which the Tarot can help us identify imbalances in our health. It can definitely point out issues we may bring to a medical practitioner for discussion. But in cases where the situation may not seem too serious such as, “why are my elbows always dry, no matter how much lotion I apply?”, “why do spiders and mosquitos like me more than my family and friends?”, or “how can I get more energy?” The Tarot is happy to provide advice.

1. Vella, John. Aristotle : A Guide for the Perplexed. London, GBR: Continuum International Publishing, 2008.

Tarot, Jung, and Black Holes

From the minute we are born to the moment of our death, we build an inner Tarot of the mind or a database of images and meanings. As humans, we all share or have the possibility of sharing the same experiences as well as losses, successes, and failures. We may meet with similar personalities or embody similar personality traits. People around the world have much in common. This inner commonality is what Carl Jung referred to as the collective unconscious. Undoubtedly we can find in the Tarot, cards that match the experiences we have, but how do the cards know what is happening now, much less the past and the future.

When the mind develops a database of images and pictures, it also stores information about the images and pictures. This information is meta-data. With this metadata, we understand sequences through which the formation of an image comes about. For example, thinking about milk might be followed by a picture of a glass of milk. A mental image of drinking milk might follow a mental image of a glass of milk. In such a fashion, we imagine the future by remembering the past. Over time, through a process of learning we come to develop expectations of events happening based upon pictorial sequences. Within every person is the ability to imagine the future, and, for the most part, to predict it. The more practice we have at imagining and divining the future, the more we can see bigger scaled events coming down the line. Often we become caught up in the details of life and pictures our minds pull up become sparse or overlooked. Then we find there is not enough information to understand what is going to happen next. Using the tarot on a regular basis can put you back in touch with these images and allow you to make predictions that will more often than not be very correct.

Inna Semetsky (2006) has contributed to our understanding of how the Tarot works, the block universe perspective. According to the block universe theory of relativity, the universe is a closed system with nothing outside of it. If there is nothing outside of what currently is, the past, present, and the future all exist within the universe, now at various locations. Within this theory, events have space-time locations within the universe.

Now until the discovery of the black hole, no theory within physics properly explained gravity. Typically that hasn’t been a problem because gravity does not have a large effect on our lives. Other forces are involved to keep us glued to the Earth. But a black hole is colossal and provides physicist with a perfect model for studying gravity on a grand scale. A black hole is invisible, but its effects are not. The influence a black hole has on other objects has allowed physicists to observe and defined it in terms of its electric charge, its mass, and its spin. They deduce these properties by examining the effect a black hole has on objects in its vicinity. Noticing that nothing could escape a black hole’s gravitational pull, physicists discovered a surface area they could measure. By measuring the surface area, they noticed that the size of the surface was the only thing to change in a black hole when an object fell inside. So all of the information, that a black hole gobbles up, stays on the surface in a two-dimensional format, and its surface area increases. Although a black hole occupies a three-dimensional universe, informationally speaking and speaking in terms of its physicality, it is merely a two-dimensional object. In order to explain this, physicists developed a theory of the universe as a hologram, that is, the third-dimension is a perceptual illusion. As gravity is a manifestation of the effect mass has on other objects, the third-dimension is an expression of, energy entanglement or interaction. Now this theory has been very helpful in understanding black holes, and it has been useful in other areas of research too.

An interesting feature of a hologram is that, if you cut away a small portion of it and look closely, you will find within, a miniature version of the whole from which it came. From here it shouldn’t be a great leap to think that a person’s life and all its details would be present in the deck of Tarot. Likewise, the Tarot is present within all of us.

Semetsky, I. (2006). The language of signs: Semiosis and the memories of the future. Sophia, 45(1).

Tarot Dreams

According to Eco-philosopher, Henryk Skolimowski(1), to understand is to simplify. When coming to the Tarot with questions, the cards simplify a complex reality full of symbols and meanings. As babies, before we learn to speak, we come to recognize the world as full of objects we can interact with. We store images of these object in our minds and encode them with our familiar interactions and feelings. For instance, a baby has an interaction with a bottle frequently, and comes to affiliate alleviation of thirst and hunger with the image of a bottle. It is the same for a mothers breast. When a baby experiences both the mother’s breast and a bottle, the two may become affiliated with alleviation of thirst and hunger in babies’ memories. Babies may also encode such images with feelings of comfort and love. Seeing the bottle or breast may invoke feelings of serenity. If a babies is in need of comfort, the images may invoke crying, vocalization, or body language to express want. Later as a child grows, the affiliation of breast or bottle become related to cup or glass. Many of the cards in the Tarot have cup symbols, which relates to femininity, love, comfort, abundance. We have many affiliations with the cup. This is what makes the Tarot so powerful. It taps in to an earlier part of our brain, the part of our brain that functions most actively when we sleep at night. In this way the Tarot functions as a waking dream. Because the cards are more consistently the same symbols, than a dream, and because dreams often elude our memory; the Tarot are an easily remembered and interpreted dream.

1. The Participatory Mind

Looking Forward

I have been busy lately researching various traditional healing practices, vibrational medicine, and psychospiritual practices. For several months now I’ve been treating myself with Reiki. It has been really helpful that I got a level 1 attunement because life can offer too much sometimes. Currently I am saving for level 2 attunement, and in the meantime, I will practice with a nearby group. Once I have my level 2 attunement I can treat others who are not in my area. I have also been meditating on the Tarot each day and discovering more about myself: who I have been, who I am now, and who I might become. I’ve been considering how the imagery symbolism in the cards meets with the imagery my brain recognizes as it peers into itself and out into the environment. The cards function as a two way mirror or and interface between the self and the reality perceived. It is much the same with any work of art a person observes. However, with the Tarot the images are archetypal, elemental, social, and spiritual. The images speak to a part of the mind that is subconscious, learned and stored during survival stage, in childhood, to be recalled when survival is necessary. Now we see it as husband, wife, children, lovers, bosses, friends, relatives, jobs, finances, decisions, worries, loves, equality, fairness, revenge, celebrations, devotions; very human daily concerns. The cards are able to show trends to say the least, with that, a certain amount of prediction can occur, even without a belief in psychic ability. If one is in touch with their intuition, this sensitivity can be of great help. Working frequently with the Tarot can increase intuition. That is my goal!